Best thing I ever did. My journey has been amazing so far and I am looking forward to the next 12 months. Thank you Phoebe xx

I am a big believer in saying loud and proud when I am grateful for things, and so I am going in with a gratitude post for @coredefined. The most caring, kind and all-round lovely person you could ever hope to meet and train with. She makes me laugh, she puts up so patiently with my endless last minute cancellations & ‘I’m sorry to do this again ..cause life stuff’ messages. But most of all, she is the only person I would drag my ass into the freezing cold garage and do a workout with even when its virtual or via a Christmas plan she put together for her ladies. She is absolutely the one and if you’re even considering doing some training, get in touch. Have the conversation. I promise you will not regret it.

Hi Phoebe, as it is approaching the end of the year I just wanted to message you and say how grateful I am for all of your help and support this year with my training. You have helped me mentally, physically and I feel body confident within myself. I could not be happier with my results this year. I can’t wait to start my 2024 journey with you again and achieve even bigger goals. Thank you for being a great personal trainer and an amazing friend x.

I have been doing Personal Training with Phoebe for quite some time now, which I absolutely love! She has made my results even better by plannings a gym programme for me which is perfectly aligned with how much time I can spend in the gym and how many sessions I want to do per week. This has really helped me vary my workouts, alongside doing exercises that I would never have even thought of doing. Thank you!!

The Empowered Through Movement Workshop was the first time I had been into any form of exercise/gym class since finding out I was pregnant with my now 3 year old. I was nervous beyond belief, but could not have been made to feel anymore comfortable during the session. A completely non-judgemental environment with adaptations to enable me to participate in the majority of the session. I left with the confidence in myself that I could do this and have since been training weekly.

I love the convenience of online training in my own home but there is something really special about Phoebes workshops where we all get to workout and catch up together in person. Such a supportive and lovely space and definitely a good workout! I left the workshop feeling motivated, happy and also tired (but in a good way!). Would definitely recommend them to anyone that is feeling a bit nervous about joining the group. You won’t regret it!xxx

Just to say a huge thankyou for your support Phoebe. The support you have provided has been excellent. The one to one excercise sessions were tailored to meet my personal needs as was the healthy eating advice. The online classes have not only been beneficial to me fitness wise but the flexibility has allowed me to attend when can. I've not been able to participate in your workshops unfortunately due to other commitments. I would certainly recommend you and your classes to my friends.

I thought I would pop you a message to let you know how much I enjoyed my first group session, I was very nervous and anxious, currently not feeling the best about myself. But you have made it so much easier and finally got me into a routine with the gym. Can’t wait for the next session, bring it on.

I really loved the CD workshop. It was so nice to be in person and surrounded by other people with a common goal, all having fun and working out. Already looking forward to the next one!

I just wanted to drop you an email to say how much I enjoyed the first Core Defined workshop on 23rd May, even though I couldn't attend in person! Thank you so much for ensuring that I was included virtually, it really made me feel part of the Core Defined community. Over the last year, I have watched you work really hard to create a safe and supportive space for women to train, ask questions and learn about how their diets (and menstrual cycles!) can affect their training. Your friendly, open and down to earth approach to exercise has ensured that I have never felt uncomfortable with any of your sessions, infact, it has motivated me to turn up and have a go, even if I haven't always felt like it! I'm really excited for the next workshop in June - bring it on!!

I’ve been with Core Defined for just over a month, and for someone who found it hard to fit in exercise between my job and little boy this fits in perfectly. The work outs are just 30 minutes and if I can’t make the lives there’s an abundance of on demand classes. I’m seeing results, enjoying the work outs and Phoebe is always there if I have any questions at all. I’d recommend to anyone to give this a go you won’t regret it!

It's been the best thing I have done for years! And also lovely to see my sisters progress (which inspired me to start with!), and my sisters in law too!!

I have thoroughly enjoyed your classes this year. You always manage to keep them interesting and we have never done the same class twice, which is a lot of classes to keep fresh since I joined in Feb. You are always available and happy to answer any questions or concerns that crop up. I feel like Core Defined is a real community and I am really looking forward to moving on to the new platform in January with access to all of the extra material you have been working on. You are brilliant at what you do and I tell everyone about Core Defined every chance I get! Thank you for all of your hard work this year.

The unlimited 1-1 programme was so beneficial! It was the motivation I needed to get back on track with fitness and to help me feel so much better within myself. I even dropped 2 dress sizes in such a short space of time! Core Defined has helped me so much with my confidence and motivated me to push further to achieve goals I never thought I would achieve! This was the perfect start to get into strength training and to gain a better understanding about my body & posture. I suffered alot with back problems and mobility but with Phoebe's knowelege and experience I was able to improve on a daily basis in such a short time frame. I am going to continue my training journey with Core Defined and am excited to see more results going forward.

Initially I started Pilates with coredefined then signed up to Strength and Conditioning sessions also. I was really nervous and worried I wouldn’t be able to keep up but Phoebe was fantastic. Encouraging me to go at my own pace but gently pushing and encouraging. My aim was to increase my stamina and strengthen muscle groups to improve my running but I have gotten much more from the sessions than that. During lockdown Phoebe at coredefined has been a godsend, for my physical and mental health, supporting and guiding throughout. I cannot recommend coredefined highly enough, don’t be nervous, Phoebe is patient, supportive and so approachable whatever level you’re at.

I have been training with Phoebe for a year now. Precisely since the first lockdown. I was 6 weeks postpartum, obese and unable to even get off the bed without assistance. A flight of stairs left me gasping for air. Phoebe was the kindest thing that happened to me when I hated myself the most. She encouraged me every bit of the way, at the same time gave me space to do things at my own pace. But merely 3 months down the line, I was doing pushups. 6 months down the line I was doing 20 kg dead lifts and 10 kg sit ups. I was running, walking and feeling beautiful and strong. My confidence soared because Phoebe reinforced it everyday for the last 1 year. She has become a good friend, to me, and funnily enough to my kids. I expected way less and Phoebe gives you so much more. You cannot go wrong with her. Loads of love Phoebe.

Phoebe is one of the most kindest, patient and positive trainers I have ever come across. She has been training me for the past 3 years and our journey together has not only improved my fitness levels but also helped with my mental health. I feel that not only have I gained a fantastic fitness coach, but also a life long friend. I would highly recommend Phoebe to any new beginners who might be feeling a little insecure, as she will make you feel comfortable, at ease and ensure that you train at your own pace and still see results. I don’t know what I would do without Phoebe in my life. In the early days she helped me also with my diet to ensure my body was receiving the right fuel to loose weight & tone up.

I've been training with Phoebe since August 2020, almost exclusively online. From the initial consultation through to the initial plan, goals set and weekly sessions, I've gained strength, definitely improved my fitness & achieved my first goal of a full press-up, woop! I would 100% recommend! Phoebe is very knowledgeable and really works with you to keep each session challenging, interesting & fun. My favourite thing is how much we laugh and even through a screen her encouragement and checking your form and technique shines through. She is incredibly kind, compassionate and truly cares about all her clients, taking the time to check on your mental as well as physical health. These are amazing qualities to have at the best of times, but during a global pandemic & various lockdowns and the challenges they have brought, they are values that should never be underestimated.If you're considering training - do it. And choose Phoebe - I promise you won't regret it. Trust me, if she can get me to do full press-ups and now be helping me work towards gaining a 6 pack, imagine what she can do for you!

I have trained with Phoebe now for almost 3 years and can honestly say not one session is the same. She makes me push myself beyond what I would normally and helps to keep my workouts interesting and goal focused. She really is a big believer in improving your whole mindset to exercise and during lockdown her workouts and classes have certainly kept me going. Not only is Phoebe knowledgeable by helping correct form and technique she is also so much fun to workout with. Her classes are so motivating and such good variety of workouts. Phoebe I can honestly say over the last 3 years I’ve gained so much confidence, strength and clarity from our sessions and I wouldn’t go anywhere else.

I’ve been training with Phoebe for exactly a year now and I am so pleased I chose her as my personal trainer. I had never done any training before but wanted to tone up and feel healthier. The sessions have definitely helped me with this, as well as supporting my mental health. I would recommend Phoebe to anyone. She is constantly striving to make the training the best it can possibly be. They are never the same and I have learnt so many things along the way. She is a fantastic teacher.

I had been searching for a female PT without wanting to commit to a gym membership for a while when I came across Phoebe on Instagram. My initial goal was to tone up, having never done weights before I was nervous about bulking up & looking too masculine. After having 1:1 PT sessions with Phoebe for a year now & I am so pleased with my results, not only have I toned up but my shape has changed & I have lost inches from the areas I wanted to. Phoebe is an amazing PT; she supports & motivates me every session. She is always there to offer advice, demonstrate new techniques & monitor my progress. I would recommend Phoebe to any woman regardless of their age or fitness level as she has the ability to make you feel comfortable & achieve your goals.

Phoebe is amazing and I wouldn’t train without her now! She’s not only such a lovely person, she adapts every single workout to your needs and what you want to achieve. I’ve done gym workouts, 1:1 PTs, circuit and Pilates class and I would recommend them all depending what you want out of your workout. I’m so much stronger and fitter than I ever used to be! She pushes you to help you achieve your goals and keeps you motivated! Thank you phoebe. X

I have been going to Phoebe’s classes for a few months now and she has got me hooked! I have never been to any classes before where I actually look forward to going. She is so kind but my god she knows how to work you hard. She has given me my confidence back, so thank you Phoebe.

Just started Pilates and love it. Very professional and thorough. In a very calm and friendly environment.

I couldn’t ask for a better PT than Core Defined. Phoebe is very supportive while pushing you to get the best from you! I have been coming to Phoebe for about 4 months now and she has changed my outlook on exercise. I enjoy her classes and they keep me motivated. She has also educated me on food and home workouts. She knows my goals and reminds me of them when I’m struggling. You are made to feel at ease and welcome. Thank you Phoebe !!

For any females who are interested in taking up Pilates or who enjoy circuit training, I’d definitely recommend trying out Phoebes classes with Core Defined! I never thought I’d be able to do Pilates but Phoebe’s a brill teacher and suits it to all abilities. The circuit classes are hard work but fun and you certainly get a full workout. Classes are kept small and everyone’s super lovely so they’re really nice to attend!

Phoebe is professional, knowledgeable and is very good at demonstrating and explaining how to do the exercises. Her classes are enjoyable and I would recommend her to anyone wishing to start Pilates.

Had my first ever Pilates session tonight as a one to one and I'm already hooked and booked up! Well worth having a one to one to get to grips with the technique. Pheoebe is lovely, explains and shows every move and very encouraging. As I'm recovering from surgery she went at my pace and I was never pushed out of my comfort zone! Fantastic session, can't wait for the next.

The class was great and no back pain this morning! I feel good and really enjoyed it.

I really enjoyed your class. I feel surprisingly good this morning. I know I have stretched some muscles and am enjoying feeling elongated.

I'm really bad at keeping up with my fitness but Phoebe really keeps me in check could not ask for a better teacher and instructor would highly highly recommend

Love these classes - Phoebe is fab and makes you feel comfortable what ever your ability

Best Pilates classes around!! Phoebe is Professional, knowledgeable and super friendly! Will definitely be back, highly recommend!

Highly recommended phoebe! Amazing knowledge & enjoyable professional classes. Thank you

One of the best things I have started this year!

I’ve been having PT sessions with Phoebe for around 6 weeks now. She either comes to my gym, or sometimes we do sessions in the park. She’s so lovely and is so mindful of you really wanting to enjoy the exercises she gives you. Nothing is ever a problem and she tailors each session so specifically. I feel the quality of the exercises I’m doing have improved massively since being with her, and I’ve felt as though I’ve I wanted to do more workouts myself at home in between sessions. I’d recommend her to anyone. (Especially people with children as she can also do sessions from your home).

I've been doing personal training with Phoebe for 20 weeks and she is fab. Personalised to your needs, her programme is tailored for you and you go at your own pace. Phoebe is genuinely lovely and makes you feel so comfortable. My aim was to get stronger and I can feel a massive difference! Highly recommended 5*!